Another crack and a tokenizer
*Main> otherTok "blah,blah blah. blah! blah" " ,.!"
["blah","","blah","","blah","blah","*** Exception: Prelude.head: empty list
Encountering a delimiter char produces an empty string, which I can remove later with filter, not sure what to do with the Exception.
P.S. Problem solved
otherTok :: String -> [Char] -> [[Char]]
otherTok [] _ = []
otherTok cs delim = foldl(\acc c -> if c `elem` delim then [] : acc else (head acc ++ [c]) : (tail acc) ) [] cs
otherTok [] _ = []
otherTok cs delim = foldl(\acc c -> if c `elem` delim then [] : acc else (head acc ++ [c]) : (tail acc) ) [] cs
["blah","","blah","","blah","blah","*** Exception: Prelude.head: empty list
Encountering a delimiter char produces an empty string, which I can remove later with filter, not sure what to do with the Exception.
P.S. Problem solved
otherTok :: String -> [Char] -> [[Char]]
otherTok [] _ = []
otherTok cs delim = foldl(\acc c -> if c `elem` delim then [] : acc else (head acc ++ [c]) : (tail acc) ) [""] cs
*Main> filter (/="") (otherTok "blah,blah blah. blah! blah" " ,.!")
P.S.S The tokens that result are in reverse order of how the words show up in a line, also easily fixed
rev :: [a] -> [a]
rev [] = []
rev xs = foldr(\x acc -> acc ++ [x]) [] xs
*Main> rev(filter(/="") (otherTok "abc,def.ghi" ",."))
otherTok [] _ = []
otherTok cs delim = foldl(\acc c -> if c `elem` delim then [] : acc else (head acc ++ [c]) : (tail acc) ) [""] cs
*Main> filter (/="") (otherTok "blah,blah blah. blah! blah" " ,.!")
P.S.S The tokens that result are in reverse order of how the words show up in a line, also easily fixed
rev :: [a] -> [a]
rev [] = []
rev xs = foldr(\x acc -> acc ++ [x]) [] xs
*Main> rev(filter(/="") (otherTok "abc,def.ghi" ",."))
Or just use the builotin reverse and stop trying to reinvent the wheel