I recently needed a function to split strings on a delimeter and found this one on http://blog.julipedia.org/2006/08/split-function-in-haskell.html:
tokenizeString :: String -> [Char] -> [[Char]]
tokenizeString [] _ = [""]
tokenizeString (c:cs) delim
| c `elem` delim = [] : rest
| otherwise = (c : head rest) : tail rest
where rest = tokenizeString cs delim
It took me a little while to wrap my mind around the recursion and what goes on here, a pen and some paper and trace it out this is really really cool. It's a shame that I was not able to come up with this on my own.
Execution trace original string: "a,b" delimiter list: ","
I shortened some names to save space by hMt is really head $ mT and tmT is tail $ mT where mT is myTokenizer. I am no expert, but the secret sauce appears to be in the base case which always returns a [""] -- list of strings. And how the string elements are concatenated:
Char : [Char]: [[Char]] -- Single character to a string to a list of strings
I am not looking to break new ground, just simply document some of the things that I found to be useful in everyday work. Sometimes I spend a considerable amount of time to find a solution for a problem that seemed silly and simple. I hope that some of my posts will save you some time.
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